Friday, August 23, 2013

Dammit Dexter! #01

Danielle's Sketch Blog - Dammit Dexter! by Danielle Loos
"Dammit Dexter! Fine! I'll fill up your damn Kong! Seriously, how do you always end up with the most embarrassing things to run off with?!"
And this is what I get when I make Dexter wait more than 2 minutes to fill up his Kong with food. I never leave anything on the floor either, he'll knock over my laundry basket to achieve this.

I also now have a tumblr! Come follow me there - I'll be trying to include more process work on those updates.

Thanks for lookin'!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

HGTV Portrait

It seems to have been a while since my last post so while I continue work on a current personal illustration, here's just something that's been sitting in my sketchbook.
I've recently been watching way too much HGTV, particularly House Hunters, House Hunters International, and Property Brothers. I was sketching during one particular episode of House Hunters International in which a rather wealthy family was looking for a place somewhere in the Caribbean... I think. It was tropical. My point I'm getting at is that I thought the realtor had a cool look and just decided to sketch up a portrait of him between scoffing at the nit-picky complaints of the clients and wishing I could immediately move in to the house being shown.

Thanks for lookin'!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Spontaneous Sketch 01 - "Faux Figure Studies"

Danielle's Sketch Blog - Faux Figure Studies by Danielle Loos
Hi there!

I have here just a quick itch that needed to be scratched. "Faux" figure studies because I didn't actually have a figure or reference I was working from. Maybe these should be called gestures? Whatever the case, I just needed to doodle a little bit and this is what came out. Very different from the fashion/outfit idea I had originally sat down to do, but we'll get there. Baby steps. Maybe my original intention for a doodle will pop up in the near future. We shall see.

Anyways, consider this itch scratched; I've realized my typing ability at 12am is sadly pathetic and I should quit before I hurt myself or the keyboard.

Thanks for lookin'!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Quick Sketch Paint - Talim

Danielle's Sketch Blog - Soul Calibur II - Talim Sketch by Danielle Loos
Soul Calibur II Talim sketch - about 4 hours.
Another piece, this time a quick paint over an old sketch I've had laying around of my favorite character from Soul Calibur II, lil' miss Talim. With this one I wanted to try another painting style. I still haven't gotten the hang of it but I'm learning a lot from it, even if this didn't come out at all how I'd wanted or originally intended it too. For one, it was supposed to end up not having visible outlines... We see how that turned out. Overall the sketch wasn't much of a success in the sense that it didn't end up the way it was intended but it has definitely served to teach me some things about my painting process and things I should try to work on - working from simple, big shapes and working my way in to detail for one is proving to be a tough practice for me to do - I tend to start out with that intent but almost always start trying to add details as soon as one section is blocked in and it really impedes my ability to get a composition I like. Note to self for next time: STOP THAT!

Thanks for lookin'!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Woods Witch

Danielle's Sketch Blog - Woods Witch by Danielle Loos
Here's a sketch I've been slowly picking at over the last couple of months and thought it was at a point that it could be shared. This concept is actually loosely based off of an old sketch (below) I'd done of some sort of moth/woods witch. I still liked the idea but wanted to update it a bit. I'm not sure it's 100% improved from the initial concept but maybe that can be worked on. One element in particular that I like from the old sketch more than the new one yet is the amount of fraying of the clothing. Hopefully I'll get around to painting this and including a background to bring it together once I get a few other personal illustrations that are on the back burner completed.

Old concept sketch of a
moth/woods witch. -2007
Thanks for lookin'!